Welcome, we are the
Pleistocene & Permafrost Foundation!
With your help we can protect the thawing permafrost!
Now is the right time to talk about our biggest climate problem:
Vast amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, aswell as viruses and bacteria are confined here.
We must finally realize that it is up to us to change the world!

This much carbon is stored in the Arctic permafrost and 2/3 of that in the Siberian permafrost.
That’s how much carbon is currently in our atmosphere, and that’s already way too much.

This much carbon is stored in the Arctic permafrost and 2/3 of that in the Siberian permafrost.
That’s how much carbon is currently in our atmosphere, and that’s already way too much.

If the permafrost continues to thaw, the stored carbon will rise into the atmosphere in the form of CO₂ and methane. This will irreversibly and exponentially accelerate global warming.
Once more than
2 %
of the permafrost thaws,
tons of CO₂ will be realeased in the atmosphere.
Then the goal of only
global warming becomes unattainable
of the permafrost thaws,
tons CO2, will escape.
goal wont be achievable!
The Pleistocene-Concept
saving the permafrost
To solve the problem, we support the Pleistocene concept, which is proving to be the most effective method for this. This concept is already being implemented in the Pleistocene Park and is quite simple – a reintroduction of various herbivores and the restoration of the once highly productive steppe tundra.
The Pleistocene concept explained by:
Atlas Pro
60 Minutes
Recent developments
“The Russian conflict also affects us! We dissociate ourselves from war, any human rights violations, as well as blatant breaches of international law and promote the project alone! Because for us it is a matter of the heart. We will continue our mission to counteract climate change with passion. Donations will go directly to the preservation/expansion of Pleistocene Park, as we and our Russian partner are not affected by the sanctions.”
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An open and honest exchange with you is very important to us, therefore we take a stand on the current events. Pleistocene Park is and remains privately owned by the Zimov family and we support only them. The land does not belong to the state of Russia and the organization acts independently of political events and interests. Thus, we act self-sufficiently and are exempt from sanctions. For an open, solidary and sustainable future
Let’s make it happen!
Together with your help, we can prevent one of the biggest climate threads